Lucky Lincoln Gaming


We are the pioneers and innovators of our industry. We have swag. We have pride. We own our responsibilities and wake up every morning ready to be better than we were the day before. This is an adventure that has no limit.

Lucky Lincoln Gaming, LLC 2,305 followers on LinkedIn Leading the industry with innovation. Lucky Lincoln Gaming is a private, single-owner gaming start-up experiencing rapid growth; founded. Learn how Illinois Video Gaming works and what the process is like to get started. Learn why Lucky Lincoln is the leading terminal operator in Illinois. Sep 17, 2020 Lucky Lincoln Gaming is a private, single-owner gaming start-up operating terminals statewide. Lucky Lincoln Gaming is a licensed Terminal Operator leading the Illinois Video Gambling Industry through technology and innovation. We have an exhilarating and collaborative culture where your voice is heard and your hard work pays off.

Lucky Lincoln Gaming, LLC is a limited liability company (LLC) located at 701 Laurel St. In Highland, Illinois that received a Coronavirus-related PPP loan from the SBA of $877,532.00 in June, 2020. The company has reported itself as a White male owned business, and employed at least 57 people during the applicable loan loan period. Jun 05, 2018 Lucky Lincoln Gaming (LLG) is a licensed Terminal Operator that installs and services slot machines in licensed locations throughout the State of Illinois. LLG started in 2013, and has since grown to a 140+ location operator, with over 600+ slot machines, 50+ full-time employees, and numerous part-time employees and independent contractors.

Lucky Lincoln Gaming Jobs

To view career opportunities, visit us at LinkedIn.

Kickstart your Career
Don't settle. Ever. We offer meaningful opportunities that we want to last a lifetime. This isn't a job. This is a career.
Relationships & Culture
Our culture is built on a foundation of trust, loyalty and dedication. We are in this together and we work together to achieve greatness.
Dedication Drives Success
Our team comes from some of the most dedicated and hard working people you can find. We're determined to succeed.
The Benefits are Great
Lucky Lincoln Gaming

Lucky Lincoln Gaming Careers

You'll be challenged and given opportunity to succeed. Through learning and development, you will become the best in the business.